Bronze on Gold or Name That Garden

We don’t have a name for our garden as a whole, perhaps “Bronze on Gold” to combine our last names (Br and onze) and address.

Visitors often ask the size of the garden, surprised to learn that it is a scant acre. We name bits and pieces of it to make it easier to describe locations.

The area around the mailbox has recently been planted with dwarf conifers. Naturally, that southeast corner has become our Pacific Northwest garden.

Beyond the Pacific Northwest is the Rhododendron Garden for obvious reasons.

The Horseshoe is the section along the road between the ins and outs of the semi-circular driveway. A juniper hedge lines the street; a myrtle hedge has been newly planted facing the house. A path meanders through the middle.

The Entry Garden surrounds the front door, of course.

Through the side fence is the Zen Garden with shade, a few azaleas and a ground cover of baby tears.

Tucked behind the Guest House is our Herb Garden which is currently in the throes of reconstruction.

The Pool Garden wraps around the seldom used swimming pool.

Named for its dominant tree is the Olive Mound

The Sedum Garden is waiting for a staircase to the treehouse before the planting can be completed.  Entry has been through a hole in the floor via a steep ladder.

Another mound is the New Zealand garden which includes a few immigrants.

The North Garden is hopefully a temporary name for a newly planted area that gets more sun than its name implies.

Tony’s Experimental Garden contains a collection of oddities that may or may not acclimate to life in Sebastopol.

The Orchard is becoming more ornamental as it transitions from a purely productive space.

The White Garden is a miniscule space, small enough to enforce the “whites only” theme (not in a racist sense).

The Digging Dog garden is composed mainly of plants from a nursery of that name. It was planned to be a red and purple garden inspired by The Old Vicarage in East Ruston, UK. The occasional yellow and white flower keeps the theme from being obvious.

A bit larger flower garden was dug out, lined with stainless steel gopher “proof” wire and planted for a Cutting Garden although a Cottage Garden might be more accurate.

The cleverly named Vegetable Garden:

And finally, the final home of plants that are no longer loved, or thrive on neglect — The Alley aka Trail’s End.